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  • Introducing the Classic Short Dwell Ignition
    May 14, 2024

    Introducing the Classic Short Dwell Ignition

      Introducing our latest innovation in the Classic range - the Classic Short Dwell! The Classic Short Dwell is purpose-built for classic British twin or single cylinder engines, offering optimal performance with digital ignition mini coils. It's the perfect solution for...

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  • BMW R69 new use for 6-Volt Dual Lead Coil
    September 30, 2020

    BMW R69 new use for 6-Volt Dual Lead Coil

    One of our customers found a new use for our 6-Volt Dual Lead Ignition Coil on his 1968 BMW R69.  He used it in place of the magneto - still using the standard points and condenser. For the first time in years...

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